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Smartphone with broken USB port

Hi people long time ago I uploaded this video below

Here I explain how I managed to charge my smartphone because my USB port was broken and I found this intricate way to charge it

At this time 30th March 2018 I wasn't uploading much videos, because of the changes in youtube policies. As I wasn't monetizing my channel I didn't want to spend time with Youtube.

Fast forward to 2020 and I'm still without monetization, but I'm uploading videos on a regular basis. I'm writing over this video because it's just so sloppy, I mean I can't understand why is getting views right now, it's like WTF

You never know when a video is going to get views

I only wanted to let you know that you must work hard in your videos even when you think that they aren't going to have any views, beacuse otherwise you will be like me. My most watched videos are the crappiest ones. For instance in this video, I was struggling so bad to speak in English. As many of you know I'm not a native English speaker, and here I haven't spoke English in at least 2 years. I was really rusty, you can tell if you watch the video.

This is my advice for today's post just keep working on your videos and upload only the very best ones. At least the ones that wont make you fell silly, for instance I would like to hide this video, but since I need more watched time and views I need it to stay public. 

Well in fact I'm planning on create a follow up video sometime soon, because someone let me a comment that says:

"would have been nice if you showed us the working end result, but thanks for the advice"

Then I thought well that's right! I should create a new video showing that it works, but there are some inconviniences. For instance I should record a chronometer and speed up the time, show the temperature of the charger, dont stop the video etc.

There's another thing that I was thinking too, now I have a friend that works in a electronics repair shop, maybe he could let me record the microscoope and that would be really cool for the video, but I need to ask him first. He had already fixed it once for free and it worked a few days but later it stopped working but as I had a new smartphone I just keep with the new one.

He fixed it by soldering again the tracks because they became loose from plugging the usb cable to charge it. I thought that maybe it was a broken connector but he fixed it this way. Right now we will see, if I'm brave enough to ask him, because I'm quite a bit shy and I said a friend when I should say an acquaintance. He had fixed me quite a few things anyway so I guess I could call him a friend.

By the way the phone that I was using had to come back to his owner, right now I'm using a brand new one but it's a Huawei still. I'm happy with this brand despite all the shit that the americans are saying about the 5G technologies spies and so on. I'm telling this because my new cell phone it's not like the previous ones so I can't open the back cover. In case that this brokes I guess that I'm not going to use this little trick but I guess that in Youtube someone had already shown how you can open that door. In fact I discovered this video in which the guy explain how to use a suction cup to do it check it out:

I guess that I'll end up buying a heat gun too, they are extremely useful, although right now I need to get a driller and a soldering iron, because the ones that I had were borrow for a friend and I just gave them back last week. Too many tools to buy and I really don't want to spend money on tools but they are really handy. In fact I also wanted to get a router for a long time and at the end I didn't bought it.

Screenshot of how to charge a smartphone with broken usb port analitycs

To Conclude this post, remember to take care with the content you upload as I said before, think if you are not going to regret anytime soon and then post it, this is a really good advice. Also I let you here an screenshot of the analitycs of my video to proof that I'm not kidding. Remember to subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't done it yet!


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