In case you've ever wonder how you do it, here is a way that I found recently
It's such an easy way to do it that I never think about it, you only need a camera with a mic input that let you control the input of the microphone.
An a cable wired this way 1 side with mini jack stereo output and the other with two full size mono inputs. This is to record the signal in stereo wich I'm pretty sure that you want it. You can record the edrums in mono, but it's not as cool on camera since you are going to hit pads on both sides of the image.
I wanted to show you this way of doing it without using a computer, which it's not a huge deal, but sometimes it's hard to synch the audio properly. This way you don't have this problem anymore, and it's kind of a shortcut.
This video above this lines is great and explain quite a few things he explain the same way to do it over the 6 minute of the video he calls it niche way to do it
Before I used to record separetly the audio using an interface and join the two pieces together, I'm still forced to do it this way If I want to have more control over the sound. Another thing that I have tried out with success is to record the audio output of the interface straight to the mic input using the same process. It worked like a charm too but as I said, if you want to get rid of the computer and just have fun with the edrums while recording a video, this is the best way to archieve high quality audio in your video.
I will post more videos soon playing drums as my upstairs neighbour had gone to her beach house and I dont disturb anyone else. Stay tuned! Cheers
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A few affiliate links from amazon:
The cable
Alesis Debut Kit
A similar one but another Brand
Best Brand, much more expensive
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